Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship

Welcome from the Program Director, Stephanie Goodman, MD

Thank you for your interest in the Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship Program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. The Division of Obstetric Anesthesia at Columbia has been training fellows since the days of Virginia Apgar. Our goal is to train the future leaders of the subspecialty and prepare you for a variety of careers, both academic and private practice. The ACGME started accrediting obstetric anesthesiology fellowships in April 2012, and we were among the 12 programs nationwide to receive accreditation in that first accreditation process. Within the guidelines and requirements of the ACGME, we tailor the fellowship to suit the interests, abilities, and goals of each fellow.

Headshots of three men in suits

Fellowship Overview

The accredited program is a one-year fellowship that combines advanced clinical training and the development of expertise in obstetric anesthesia care and teaching of both anesthesiology residents and medical students. Thirty percent of the fellow’s time is reserved for clinical or laboratory research, other scholarly activities, and quality assurance. Some previous Fellows have completed two-year Fellowships in order to better prepare for high-level academic careers or complete specific research projects in the division, department and medical center and a two-year fellowship is available for interested candidates. For fellows with particular interests, there is the possibility of combining the clinical fellowship with coursework in epidemiology, biostatistics and/or clinical research study design at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. It is also possible to do a second clinical fellowship in a related area such as cardiac anesthesiology, critical care, or global health.

Program start date: July 1
Number of positions available: 3
Length of program: 12 months

How to Apply

Individuals interested in the fellowship program must have successfully completed an ACGME-accredited residency training program in anesthesiology prior to the start of the fellowship.

For the 2026-2027 academic year, the Obstetric Anesthesiology fellowship at CUIMC will be participating in the San Francisco Match.

To apply to our program, please register at https://sfmatch.org/

  • January 6, 2025: Applicant Registration begins
  • February 5, 2025: Target date for application completion
  • March-May 2025: Fellowship interview period (Interviews are by Zoom; 2 or 3 interview dates will be available)
  • June 10, 2025: Rank list deadline
  • June 17, 2025: Match results available
  • July 2026: Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship training begins

For more information about applying to the Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship, please email the Program Director, Dr. Stephanie Goodman, at srg24@cumc.columbia.edu, or call 212-305-6494.

Fellowship Contacts

Stephanie R. Goodman, MD
Professor of Anesthesiology at CUMC
Program Director, OB Anesthesiology Fellowship
630 West 168th Street PH-5
New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212-305-6494